Dear Sullivan,
Today you are 15 months old but I am wondering if you should really be 24 months old. I think you have officially hit the "terrible 2s." I was a bit tricked because I thought the tantrums, defiance and independence were effects of your recent illness (4 days straight of fevers) but I think we should be beyond the sick crabbys.
Suddenly, you refuse to
-eat (especially if I try to feed you or if I cut up your food, you prefer I do not overly handle your food) unless you can do it all by yourself
-allow me to brush your teeth
-fall asleep for a nap or bedtime without a crying fit
But right now, you love
-being read to, but only the books that you pick out
-trying to run into the street
-being held, almost all the time (separation anxiety??)
-sleeping in Mama and Daddy's bed
You are very Sully. When I look at you now, I don't see me or your Daddy, I just see Sully. I love that you are becoming your own person with likes, dislikes and quirks. And you continue to grow into the most beautiful toddler I have ever seen. Don't stop being you.
Here you are, celebrating your cousin Sean turning 1 yesterday.
(Yes, the shark is very near whenever there is food around)
Monday, February 27, 2012
Friday, February 24, 2012
Round here
The sickness has finally infiltrated our house. It weaseled its way in on the heels or our littlest human member. Round here we have been using lots of this.
Its a good thing he loves medicine and I don't have to hold him down and force it. Thankfully, Gramma Subes was available and willing to love, cuddle and medicate not one but two days this week. Daddy stayed home with him one day, too. Round here we have been doing lots of this.
Despite a fever, cough and lots of boogers, he is still in fairly good spirits after a dose of Tylenol and a bath and humored his mother by practicing wearing his stinkin' cute boots.
I think he is starting to turn a corner though and hopefully by Sunday he will be more like himself. It is tough to see him feeling so miserable but on the plus side, I have a baby again. He is happy to be held, rocked and snuggled, at times.
(And I do know that I have a long way to go with my photography skills but I refuse to shoot in automatic mode so I guess you all have to suffer through lots of out of focus pics- sorry)
Its a good thing he loves medicine and I don't have to hold him down and force it. Thankfully, Gramma Subes was available and willing to love, cuddle and medicate not one but two days this week. Daddy stayed home with him one day, too. Round here we have been doing lots of this.

Despite a fever, cough and lots of boogers, he is still in fairly good spirits after a dose of Tylenol and a bath and humored his mother by practicing wearing his stinkin' cute boots.
I think he is starting to turn a corner though and hopefully by Sunday he will be more like himself. It is tough to see him feeling so miserable but on the plus side, I have a baby again. He is happy to be held, rocked and snuggled, at times.
(And I do know that I have a long way to go with my photography skills but I refuse to shoot in automatic mode so I guess you all have to suffer through lots of out of focus pics- sorry)
Thursday, February 23, 2012
After a long search, scouring the internet for the perfect first pair of rain boots for my boy, I decided on the Keen robot boots at REI. I ordered them, had them delivered (free) to the store in Madison and picked them up tonight. I nearly died when I opened the box after I got home.
A ridiculous amount a cuteness slapped me right in the face. Like eating a wad of wasabi but without the eye watering and sneezing.
Seriously?!? I just want to carry these around all day. I can't even begin to imagine the cuteness when they are placed on a certain little boy's stinky toddler feet. I really might pass out.
A ridiculous amount a cuteness slapped me right in the face. Like eating a wad of wasabi but without the eye watering and sneezing.
Seriously?!? I just want to carry these around all day. I can't even begin to imagine the cuteness when they are placed on a certain little boy's stinky toddler feet. I really might pass out.
Tuesday, February 21, 2012
The everyday
"I'm sexy and I know it!"
"Party people in the kitchen tonight"
"Everyday I'm shuffling"
The lyrics were spoken/sung by a gaggle of 8 year old boys after they got to the daycare after school today. I saw/heard them as I was picking up a sleepy Sully from daycare today. So much energy! The fun I get to look forward to!
I have no idea what has been troubling the little Mister the last two days, but something is really bothering him. The smallest thing will trigger an all out melt down- dropping his ball and it rolling away, tripping on one of his cars, trying to give him milk in a sippy cup that he does not like, not holding him every second. Any of these triggers precipitated a full out head flung back, bouncing up and down with arms flapping tantrum. Sometimes, he required no trigger at all and would simply throw himself onto the floor and wail.
He wasn't pulling at his ears, he wasn't chewing on his fingers, he didn't feel warm, he was sleeping and napping normally, he was drinking and eating as usual, no diarrhea and no puking- so what the heck?? There is no explanation. However, I did find out today that children's Tylenol cures it. For twenty minutes I just held the boy on one hip while I Mod Podged a frame and a vintage map to poster board. And suddenly, about 20 minutes after he had a dose of the magic potion, my happy, loving, silly, laughing boy was back!
Lesson learned, when in doubt, Tylenol to the rescue. Tylenol and lots of toddler holding. I contemplated getting the Baby Bjorn on but then thought better of it. I like my back too much. I have just become a master at doing just about anything with one hand, including crafting.
Speaking of crafting, am I ever going to be able to stop making "art"? I think we are going to have to buy a second house that I can fill the walls with homemade art. Damn you Pinterest!
"Party people in the kitchen tonight"
"Everyday I'm shuffling"
The lyrics were spoken/sung by a gaggle of 8 year old boys after they got to the daycare after school today. I saw/heard them as I was picking up a sleepy Sully from daycare today. So much energy! The fun I get to look forward to!
I have no idea what has been troubling the little Mister the last two days, but something is really bothering him. The smallest thing will trigger an all out melt down- dropping his ball and it rolling away, tripping on one of his cars, trying to give him milk in a sippy cup that he does not like, not holding him every second. Any of these triggers precipitated a full out head flung back, bouncing up and down with arms flapping tantrum. Sometimes, he required no trigger at all and would simply throw himself onto the floor and wail.
He wasn't pulling at his ears, he wasn't chewing on his fingers, he didn't feel warm, he was sleeping and napping normally, he was drinking and eating as usual, no diarrhea and no puking- so what the heck?? There is no explanation. However, I did find out today that children's Tylenol cures it. For twenty minutes I just held the boy on one hip while I Mod Podged a frame and a vintage map to poster board. And suddenly, about 20 minutes after he had a dose of the magic potion, my happy, loving, silly, laughing boy was back!
Lesson learned, when in doubt, Tylenol to the rescue. Tylenol and lots of toddler holding. I contemplated getting the Baby Bjorn on but then thought better of it. I like my back too much. I have just become a master at doing just about anything with one hand, including crafting.
Speaking of crafting, am I ever going to be able to stop making "art"? I think we are going to have to buy a second house that I can fill the walls with homemade art. Damn you Pinterest!
Sunday, February 19, 2012
Week in Review
Overall, it was a pretty good week. The little Mister got lots of Valentines. And why wouldn't he? Mr adorbs that he his.
Typical parent face during bath/splash time.
We did a quick Target run on friday and had lots of fun with our new purchase in the aisles.
Gamma and Papa came to visit today.
While the boy napped, my parents and I went to the antiques mall and saw this little gem.
My mom and I were like Elf, jumped from fear when the jack popped up. I absolutely did not buy this, don't worry.
Then tonight I did a Pinspired craft.
It still turned out super cute and I love them!
This marks my 100th blog post. Thank you to all of my readers!
Typical parent face during bath/splash time.
We did a quick Target run on friday and had lots of fun with our new purchase in the aisles.
Gamma and Papa came to visit today.
While the boy napped, my parents and I went to the antiques mall and saw this little gem.
My mom and I were like Elf, jumped from fear when the jack popped up. I absolutely did not buy this, don't worry.
Then tonight I did a Pinspired craft.
I was going to use real doilies but I had these paper ones so I thought I would Mod Podge them to the mason jars.
It still turned out super cute and I love them!
This marks my 100th blog post. Thank you to all of my readers!
Saturday, February 18, 2012
Next in line
Now that my bedroom redo is not quite done, I think I will be starting a new project- transforming Sully's room to a toddler room. I do love his baby room. It is comfortable and sweet, but have so many ideas!
Current room:
I have been collecting stuff, both in real life and online via Pinterest for the redo. See the Pinterest board here. Since I am so into quilts right now, there will be some quilting as well. Here are the fabrics...
Current room:
I have been collecting stuff, both in real life and online via Pinterest for the redo. See the Pinterest board here. Since I am so into quilts right now, there will be some quilting as well. Here are the fabrics...
I definitely needed some more shelving so I got a few of these from Hobby Lobby...

I also ordered this vintage map off of eBay...
I don't know when I will have the room finished, probably not for awhile but I thought I would give you an idea of what I am thinking.
Friday, February 17, 2012
And my new addiction that I have indulged in every.night.this.week is...... is all I have to say. Seriously, go get some now! It will be your new addiction too! I like mine with a few swipes of chocolate syrup. Now go!
Tuesday, February 14, 2012
Monday, February 13, 2012
Silhouette, and other stuff
I vividly remember sitting as still as possible, with a large piece of paper on one side of me and a transparency projector on the other side of me, while a teacher traced my shadow. This was later cut out and mounted in a frame for my parents. My brother had one done of him too the next year and they were hung in the hallway leading to our rooms and stayed there until the house burned down. I didn't really think they were that cool, but I didn't have my mom goggles yet. These are kind of the rage right now (ok, more like last year but whatev) so I decided to make one of Sully. There are many options out there for how to make one. I just took a side profile pic of the boy,
printed it out as an 8X10,
cut out the profile, turned it around, traced it,
cut it out and mounted it in a frame I had laying around. (the curl was tricky)
This brings me to my next project of the day, the photo wall in the dining room. It was driving me crazy as it was all over the place. Here is what it looked like before.
I bought a few narrow shelves from Menards for $9 each, white washed them and put them up. Then I lined them with frames while hanging a few as well. I like it much better.
(in case you are wondering if I know that the lowest shelf is a bit crooked, yes I do and yes I plan on fixing it.)
In an attempt to distract the little tornado, I gave him his Valentines day gift early...
He is really keeping me guessing as to whether he will be a righty or a lefty.
He looks really into it, right? Yeah, he was for about 35 seconds before he started throwing the crayons around and then escaping up the stairs into naughty zones. I have to work on better distractions.
The big deal for the day was Turbo getting groomed. I LOVE it when she gets groomed. She looks like a little fawn and is so cuddly.
Notice the Valentines hankie.
And finally, Sully got a Valentine card from his great-grandma and great-grandpa Dohms. Lucky boy.
He loved it. And then he dunked it.
Happy Monday!
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