Its a good thing he loves medicine and I don't have to hold him down and force it. Thankfully, Gramma Subes was available and willing to love, cuddle and medicate not one but two days this week. Daddy stayed home with him one day, too. Round here we have been doing lots of this.

Despite a fever, cough and lots of boogers, he is still in fairly good spirits after a dose of Tylenol and a bath and humored his mother by practicing wearing his stinkin' cute boots.
I think he is starting to turn a corner though and hopefully by Sunday he will be more like himself. It is tough to see him feeling so miserable but on the plus side, I have a baby again. He is happy to be held, rocked and snuggled, at times.
(And I do know that I have a long way to go with my photography skills but I refuse to shoot in automatic mode so I guess you all have to suffer through lots of out of focus pics- sorry)
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