You know, this little nugget...

That is right, the rock star that had open heart surgery at 4 months and barely cried?!? Yeah, she also has Down syndrome.
Today, 3/21, is World Down Syndrome Day to celebrate all those extra specials with 3 number 21 chromosomes and their families. Tonight, I attended a MADSS (Madison Area Down Syndrome Society) event with my friend and Harper's Mama, Kaiti. (thanks Gramma Subes for watching Sully! and thanks Andy for being out of town so I could go!) It is an organization that you can turn to for information and support for individuals with Ds and their families. It is a great organization and I am so happy it exists. So we mingled (a little), watched videos (tear tear) and celebrated with some drinks.

Cheers, it's a happy day!!
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