My mom replied, "Everyday is Kids' Day." At the time, I didn't think much of the answer. Now, as a mom, I totally agree!
I had a good two hour window to just think today as I drove back to Madison from Mosinee, where we spent the weekend celebrating my nephew, Jack, turning 3 and I spent some time with the moms in my life. Although it is hard to make the trip with all the stuff I have to bring, especially when I need to make the trip alone, I never regret going. I know that I will never look back on my life and think, "Gee, I wish I didn't make all that effort to see my family." Nope, it is time and effort well spent.
Which brings me to my thoughts for the day...
I am so very grateful. Grateful that my mom is here and I can call and see her anytime I want. Grateful that I got to be a mom because there a time when I did not know that would happen. And it is the best thing that has ever happened to me. Grateful that my Grandmothers are still around and still enjoying their lives. Grateful that I got not one, not two, but three cards from my boy. Grateful that I know so many amazing, inspiring moms to look up to and try to emulate.
So I am going to bask in this most perfect Mothers' Day. Because right at this moment, I have it all. And I could think of lots of great things that would have been a really awesome Mothers' Day gift, like a new camera lens, photography class, mani/pedi, spa day, etc. But those things would never compare in richness and meaning to what I already have.
And I think of all of those who can't spend the day with or talk to their mom and my heart breaks for them. I think about all those who want to be moms but struggle with making that dream happen and my heart breaks for them, too. I truly hope everyone who wants to be a mom gets to be a mom because it is the greatest gift there is.
And now, a few pics from the weekend...
First up, a photo shoot for my friend and her family.
Then it was time to celebrate my nephew Jack's birthday.
Here is baby Jerry.
Beer accident...
Jack did not like the singing.
But he loved blowing out the candle...
Gina did an amazing job on the cake!
Status post black frosting attack.
I really hope you all had a wonderful Mothers' Day weekend!

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