Sunday, September 25, 2011

He looks like...

It is so funny, when you have a baby, everyone has ideas about who he or she looks like.  I remember the very first time I saw Sully, I thought he looked like a mini Clayton, albeit a blue mini Clayton.  The second time I saw him, I thought he looked identical to my nephew, Jack. 

On average, my family thought he looked like a mini Tara and Clayton's family thought he was a little Clayton- no doubt.  I would say most of our friends could see more of Clayton than me in him. 

I will let you decide:


(Try not to get distracted by my dad's sweet mustache)



What do I think?  I think he has his father's head shape, hair line and the silly part of his personality.  I think he has my smile, eyes and temper.  A perfect mix of both:) 

What do you think???

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