Essential oils. I used Lavender, Frankincense, Lemon and Geranium. 6 drops of each per cup of coconut oil.
Coconut oil. I used the solid coconut oil (1 cup) along with a few tablespoons of my carrier oil (liquid) because I didn't have any Vitamin E or shea butter on hand and I had to do this NOW. I wanted to use something liquid to make the texture a bit softer. I had the big tub of coconut oil for some time now. When I ordered it from Amazon, I was disappointed that it was liquid. It sat in my kitchen cabinet for a few months. When I checked it yesterday, it was solid! Yay!
Glass jars. I got these stubby mason jars from Wal-mart for less than $5 for the pack of 4.
Take all your ingredients and put them in a bowl (just don't use a plastic bowl) and blend with a hand mixer. I mixed up a triple batch, because I do things in excess and was going to give the extras away.
Transfer to your glass jars.
Boom. Done.
Actually, I was able to get 4 jars out of this recipe (3 cups coconut oil, 1/4 cup carrier coconut oil and 18 drops each of lemon, lavender, frank and geranium).
Your welcome. G'night.