Sunday, January 22, 2012

Mostly refreshed.

The quilt is done!!!  Here is the room, mostly refreshed.  I say mostly refreshed because I want to get a new light fixture and also do something with the lamp shades but that will come later.  See the before here.

(Ignore the dog toy graveyard in our room)

Extreme close up.

Some personalization...

Since the quilt is queen-sized and I just have your standard sewing machine, there was no way I could finish the quilt any other way than with the ties.

And here are the skulls.  They are so festive, they just love Valentines day!

Looking forward to Sully meeting Harper tomorrow!!  Woot woot!


Anonymous said...

Very cool Tara, we will come down when you get a new fixture. I think it will make a difference.

Susie said...

Your room looks great and I LOVE the quilt. Those skulls sure are rascals.
