Holy cow, I am 33! How is that even possible? So in honor of the event, 33 things about me....
1. I LOVE coffee!
2. Every time I buy bread, I have to make sure to make a sandwich with the end piece. I love that piece!
3. I just finished my fall/winter quilt and LOVE it!
4. I very much value someone who can find a solution instead of just complaining about something. I don't think complaining has ever solved a problem.
5. I am a napper. I could take a 3 hour nap everyday.
6. I am a Twihard, Team Edward.
7. I don't like to ride the hype, hence my Twihard phase 4 years after the fact.
8. I am drawn to horror. I can't help it, I am like a moth to a flame. Hence my career/job choices- Wound nurse practitioner, Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner, ICU nurse.
9. I love to craft/sew/quilt and now knit but I am lazy about it so I probably don't really do any of it the "right" way.
10. I watch waaaaaay too much tv.
11. I am a very loyal person, possibly to a fault.
12. I really, really, really want Sully to have a sibling...someday.
13. I think it is completely ridiculous that I can write a work note for a patient and their employer actually accepts it.
14. I am pretty sure my son has too many teeth.
15. I do NOT like country music, but pretty much everything else is fine.
16. I wish I could wear leggings and boots or tights and boots everyday.
17. I hate scrubs.
18. I am a birthday "Rain Man". I will never forget your birthday if you tell me and sometimes after knowing you, I can guess the month you were born.
19. I like lots of books in my house, makes it feel cozy.
20. I love Christmas music.
21. I only vacuum and do laundry once a week.
22. I feel guilty when I take a day off of work.
23. I tend to hoard cleaning and bathroom supplies. I don't ever want to be caught "out" of anything.
24. My natural hair color is a very ugly dirty blonde. As a result, I get my hair colored every 9-11 weeks.
25. My hair is naturally wavy but not a uniform wave so I spend lots of time combating that.
26. I am terribly competitive but don't want anyone to know that.
27. I am prone to exaggeration and over-reaction.
28. I think my parents and my brother are really amazing people and feel so lucky that they are my family.
29. My husband and I are middle school sweethearts.
30. I absolutely love Las Vegas.
31. I have a slightly obsessive personality.
32. I don't like the taste of meat and I can only eat meat if it is smothered in some delicious sauce.
33. I love fruit snacks.
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