Monday, November 7, 2011

Toy Camera

Hey, I am so excited about this feature I just found on my camera I had to share!!  I was flipping through the index of my camera's user manual (because I have so much time on my hands) when I came across a subject called "toy camera effect".  (To be honest, I was looking for "timer" in the index to learn how to set it.  "Timer" was not there but "toy camera effect" was.)  So I flipped to the page to read what this feature is and it is a "creative filter".  You can apply it to your photos after you take them and you can then save the original and the one with the filter applied on your camera and then download them to your computer. 

Here are some examples of original photos and then the photo with the filter applied:

 Basically it gives the pictures a vintage-y, hazy quality and I LOVE it! 

Happy Monday!

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